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Bill Black Presentation at AIA Austin (FREE)

  • April 07, 2011
  • 5:30 PM - 7:15 PM
  • AIA Austin, 801 West 12th St., Austin, TX 78701
  • 30


  • Includes your logo on signage at the event and on the website. Guests welcome.
    Send your logo to carol@i-lincp.org

Registration is closed

Bill Black
National Director of Strategic Business Solutions, Haworth

Additional Sponsors:

Presentation Title:
"Facilitating Change in an Industry that Hates Change!"

Bill Black is National Director of Strategic Business Solutions at Haworth, a leading manufacturer of modular interior solutions for commercial office space. Based at Haworth’s Canadian headquarters in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, Bill is a Quantity Surveyor originally hailing from Edinburgh, Scotland. Bill obtained his degree at Napier University.  Bill joined Haworth in October 1999 in the Architectural division and cut his teeth on movable walls and raised floors and the entire modular approach to commercial interiors. When this is combined with the broad line of furniture, seating and storage it is known as Adaptable Workspace – a total high performance interiors solution.

 Bill’s extensive travel over the years has taken him all across North America working on projects and business development activities. Bill is an ASID Distinguished Speaker, a LEED Accredited Professional and a featured speaker on the value of design, high performance real estate and modular-interior construction process and costing.  He is also a founding member of the MindShift Consortium and co-author of “The Commercial Real Estate Revolution.”

AIA Austin

801 West 12th Street
Austin, Texas

Thursday, April 7


Registration required (Donations accepted to cover refreshments)

5:30: Refreshments
6:00: Presentation
6:45:  Q&A/Networking

Sponsorships available ($100)
Includes logo on website, signage at event and verbal recognition.

Carol Warkoczewski, AIA, MSOLE
Founder and Executive Director
Tel: 512-263-5521

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